I could tell from the minute I heard it, it’s gonna be a disaster for me. To see you embarrassing yourself like that, really let me down. Inside you pretty face, cute smile, hot body (of course) and your popularity, there was something, something wrong till’ made you did that unacceptable thing (for me). It really disappoint me. About 5 nights I dream about you, even though the sun was shining down on me, and I just felt I didn’t want to leave your beautiful face and brunette hair. Everybody knows that something’s wrong, but nobody knows what’s going on.
Do you see the difference?
This is so unellegant.
You see, some other people want to see how good you on that shit sex tape. And even worse the adult movie industry want to release this damn video to the porn market. You’re really in a serious shit girl. But as for me, whatever you’ve done, I can take it. Considering that nobody’s perfect so I just deal with it. Sometime we make mistake, me, you and everyone else.
But in our hearts we know that the juice is worth the squizze. Love you so much Leighton, whatever you do, you did or you’ve done.
Actually Blair Waldorf is everything for me, considering that you played Blair role so I love you too. Just play nice girl Leighton. Don’t be a bitch. And stay away from drugs.
All my love for you.
6 komentar:
kok kmu kya ngenasihatin blair sih? haha...
tapi kmu g kecewa kan ma dy biz nnton videonya? *btw kmu tonton bneran tu?*
iya, ganti layout... masa sih tulisannya kecil bgt? dari dulu tulisannya cuma segitu2 aja kok...
yop2... moga qta lulus bareng2... amin
doain 100% ya... aminnn
iya... mnding g usah nnton videonya... kyanya bikin muak dah...
tapi leighton tu g separah britney kan?
wajar ki...
namanya juga manusia western... -_-
e-mail layout lm kekirim jg?
jan kirim pke apa neeh ki?
ki, adu, photo ellen koq resolusinya kecil banged? sdangkan photo lu resolusinya gede banged!!!!
koq burem? photo pk hp nokia ya?????
tp ade yng kga c....
Z, kmrn q ket4 yeni... crta mcm2... q pangkling a5 yeni... q potong rambt, tp kependekan...
mank pke fedex gmn ki?
q g prnah he...
haha... mank hrus sabar jdi adeknya blair...
tu org msi butuh byk bimbingan...
msi suasana fortasi neeh...
lm skul...
tambah cantik gemana?????!!!!! muke w jadi buelet over!!!! gak jadi kaya little J... rambut gw pwndek abiz...
aduw neeek, gw ne maci amatir yang bru belajar... palagi hasilnya jg ditentuin sama mood gw yang jarang well...
nontn HP6?
ki... kmu dpet award dri blog q...
diambil yah...
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